Friday, November 20, 2015

Want More Relax? Do Not Save Stress Yourself

4:21 AM

Sharing with others, whether pleasant or not, is the key to happiness. A new study from the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles revealed that stress is not a flavor that should be kept alone, share them with others can reduce fear.

The study, published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science shows, divides stress with someone who has a similar emotional reaction can lower stress levels. Even levels of stress can be decreased rather than share it with other people who have never had the same experience.

In this study, the researchers measured the emotional conditions, levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and a sense of danger within 52 volunteer women. The trick is to require volunteers to prepare and deliver a speech recorded.

Volunteers were then divided into pairs to discuss their feelings towards their stress situations. In particular, the stress of dealing with feelings of speech they have to live.

The researchers found that when couples have a similar emotional state, it will help the individual to resist high stress levels. They say this finding may be useful for those who are stressed because of work.

Study leader Sarah Townsend, assistant professor of management and organization at the USC Marshall School of Business, says, for example, when you have to do the important work presentation to a big project, a little more you will feel threatened and experience high levels of stress.

"However, by dividing the sense of stress on co-workers who are also experiencing the same emotional state, your fear will diminish and you are more relaxed in completing your task," added Townsend.

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